Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thursday 18 Jan 2024 Morning Notes

My only trade of note was tacking on another HA Jan '25 1x3 $5/$3 put spread for a .21 credit. I like this trade a lot. I'll only see losses if HA is below $2 by next January, but stand to make good money if it's near $5 by next January. If it's above $5, I'll pocket a few nickels and move on with my life.

Yesterday AMC: AA, DFS, KMI, SNV

Other News:

Follow through names to watch: SAVE; JBLU, HA, DWAC

TSM: +7.6% at 110.72;
AAPL: +2.2% AT 186.71 on court ruling in its favor;


MDC: +
HUM: -12.7% at 390 on guidance;
BIRK: -11% at 44.45 on earnings, notable as today is its 1st ER;
DFS: -7% at 101.09;
ELV: -5% at 453 on HUM sympathy;
CVS: -4.7% at 73.35 on HUM;

Follow through watch:

Day before Y'day AMC:
Yesterday BMO: SCHW, USB

Y'day Other News:

2 days ago AMC:
2 days ago BMO: APLD, GS, MS, PNC

2 days ago Other News:

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