Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thursday 21 Dec 2023 Morning Notes

No real trades of note yesterday beyond adding some more Jan '25 $8 puts in MBI on the belief that all kinds of retail traders have piled in for the special dividend, and once that gets paid out next week the stock will crater. My idea is to own my puts then sell further otm puts against them or ratio them throughout the year.

I also cried uncle and sold my Jan '24 30/20 ratio in COIN to realize the loss to offset some of taxable gains for 2023. So it goes!

Yesterday AMC: BB, MU

Other News:

Follow through names to watch:



Follow through watch:

Day before Y'day AMC: FDX
Yesterday BMO: GIS

Y'day Other News: FDX: -11% at 249 on earnings; GIS: -3.8% on earnings; UPS: -3.5% at 156; TORO: +10% at 101 on earnings;

2 days ago AMC:
2 days ago BMO: ACN

2 days ago Other News:

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