Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday July 6 Notes

"Markets in Turmoil"! Between China's $19b attempt to stabilize a market measured in trillions and the circus in Greece, the LOLs continue to pour in as zerohedge twitter followers come close to overdosing from snark.

Es: -0.8% at 2051.25
10yr: -3.76% at 2.303
Vx: +6% at 17.94
Cl: -4.2% at 54.52

Earnings: N/A
Other News: AET for HUM, AET getting crushed on the news;

KNDI: +1.7% at 8.83, 77.3k
HUM: +0.9% at 189.67, 1.8m
UAL: +0.8% at 51.90, 16.6k
AAL: +0.4% at 39.19, 17.5k

Chinese ADRs all getting smoked: YOKU, VIPS, YY, QIHU, SINA, JD, BIDU, BABA
AET: -6% at 117.75, 602k
CMG: -1.9% at 598, 1.3k - negative Barron's piece
UNH: -1.9% at 119.50, 10.5k

TT Track of the Day: "Believe" by The Bravery, seems fitting for today.

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